Materials Science and Engineering Master of Science (M.Sc.)

The Master's program in Materials Science and Engineering combines technology with natural science in the search for ever better or even novel materials and materials.
The integration into the engineering sciences enables an overall view from atomic structure to process technology and application in a concrete product.
In addition to compulsory subjects amounting to 30 credit points (ECTS) on the topics of thermodynamics, kinetics,
simulation, materials analysis and properties, the wide range of options allows students to specialize in the areas of materials process technology, computational materials science, engineering materials or functional materials.
In addition, there is a broad cross-faculty selection of courses in the area of "technical specialization". In order to consolidate the practical relevance, an internship of at least three months is planned.
work placement is planned.

Bild KIT/ Pressestelle
Study the Master's Degree Program in German, English or dual

Special features

  • Leveraging the resources of large-scale research and
    University faculties
  • involvement in research projects
  • high level of education
  • wide range of content
  • professional internship
  • good international connections
  • good supervision ratio
  • numerous university groups for every interest
Bild KH
Fahrplan fürs Studium


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KIT Degree Program Page M.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering

Information on application and admission, statutes and regulations, ...

KIT degree program page
Study organization

Module manuals, time tables, thesis offers, ...

Study organization
Forms and FAQs

Important forms and FAQs about the degree program

Formulare und FAQs
Entrance examination

You have been admitted to the entrance examination? You can find all relevant information here.

Entrance examination