Name | Titel | Kontakt |
Furmans, Kai |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. | +49 721 608-48600 kai furmans ∂ kit edu |
Heilmaier, Martin Dean of Studies Mechanical Engineering |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. | +49 721 608 46594 martin heilmaier ∂ kit edu 036 Geb. 10.91 |
Beckmann, Ruth |
Dr. | +49 721 608-47706 ruth beckmann ∂ kit edu |
3 additional persons visible within KIT only. |
Vorname Nachname | Aufgabengebiet | Tel. |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |
Name | Titel | Kontakt |
Bliestle, Yvonne Diana |
Dipl.-Kffr. | +49 721 608-47720 yvonne bliestle ∂ kit edu CS |
Name | Titel | Kontakt |
Gottschämmer, Ellen Department Manager |
Dr. | +49 721 608-45183 ellen gottschaemmer ∂ kit edu CS 10.91 121 |
Rietschel, Ute |
Dipl.-Ing. | ute rietschel ∂ kit edu CS |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |
Name | Titel | Kontakt |
Hillenbrand, Katja Head of InSL and Internship Office |
Dr. -Ing. | +49 721 608-45179 katja hillenbrand ∂ kit edu |
Name | Titel | Kontakt |
Bernhardt, Sören |
Dr.-Ing. | +49 721 608 42437 soeren bernhardt ∂ kit edu Geb. 70.14 |
Name | Titel | Kontakt |
Hillenbrand, Katja Head of InSL and Internship Office |
Dr. -Ing. | +49 721 608-45179 katja hillenbrand ∂ kit edu |
Krempel, Stephanie Consultant InSL and Internship Office |
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (DH) | stephanie krempel ∂ kit edu |
Triebel, Verena |
M.A. | +49 721 608-47717 verena triebel ∂ kit edu 223.1 |
Weindel, Anna Consultant InSL and Internship Office |
anna weindel ∂ kit edu |
Name | Titel | Kontakt |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |
Name | Titel | Kontakt |
Rietschel, Ute Scientific Assistant |
Dipl.-Ing. | pa ∂ mach kit edu |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |
Kombi: Kontakt | Kombi: Name - Tätigkeit | Group | Phone |
anna weindel ∂ kit edu |
Weindel, Anna Consultant InSL and Internship Office |
stephanie krempel ∂ kit edu |
Krempel, Stephanie Consultant InSL and Internship Office |
ute rietschel ∂ kit edu CS |
Rietschel, Ute |
+49 721 608-45179 katja hillenbrand ∂ kit edu |
Hillenbrand, Katja Head of InSL and Internship Office |
+49 721 608-45179 | |
+49 721 608-45183 ellen gottschaemmer ∂ kit edu CS 10.91 121 |
Gottschämmer, Ellen Department Manager |
+49 721 608-45183 | |
+49 721 608-47706 ruth beckmann ∂ kit edu |
Beckmann, Ruth |
+49 721 608-47706 | |
+49 721 608-47717 verena triebel ∂ kit edu 223.1 |
Triebel, Verena |
+49 721 608-47717 | |
+49 721 608-47720 yvonne bliestle ∂ kit edu CS |
Bliestle, Yvonne Diana |
+49 721 608-47720 | |
4 additional persons visible within KIT only. |