Mechatronics and Information Technology Master of Science (M.Sc.)
The Master's degree program in Mechatronics and Information Technology follows on from the Bachelor's degree program of the same name in terms of content and enables students to deepen and specialize in the subjects of automotive engineering, energy technology, microsystems technology, medical technology, industrial automation, control engineering in mechatronics, robotics or the design of mechatronic systems. In addition, 2-3 courses in key skills (of choice) must be completed. A professional internship is not planned, but can be completed additionally, also as part of a vacation or semester abroad.
You can find an English version of the current study and examination regulations here. Please note that this version is not binding.
Special features
- Research-oriented teaching
- Wide range of interdisciplinary courses
- Large selection of key qualifications, Studium Generale
- 24-hour library and study room app
- Central campus between forest and city center
- Numerous university groups for a wide variety of interests
- Support for start-ups (pioneer garage, Gründerschmiede)
- Subject advising MIT by the deans of studies Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Doppelbauer(martin doppelbauer∂kit edu) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Geimer (marcus.geimer∂
- Master Program Service and Examination Committee: The MIT advising teams of the ETIT faculty are your contact for all general questions regarding the degree program, the course of studies and administrative procedures. They are also your first point of contact for inquiries or applications to the Examination Board (ETIT Study Program Service (Building 10.91, Room 223.1), email: master-info∂
- Student Services (email: studserv-team4∂
- Student Council: Working Group Mechatronics and Information Technology (AK-MIT)
Information on application and admission, statutes and regulations, ...
KIT degree program pageInformation, advice and service on examination regulations and the course of studies, examinations, recognition of work done abroad, concerns of the Master's Examination Board, ...
Master program service