Expiring Mechatronics and Information Technology Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Start of studies only possible until WS 2022/2023!
Notice: In the winter semester 2023/2024, new examination regulations for the bachelor's degree program in Mechatronics and Information Technology will come into force. Students who study according to SPO 2016, i.e. start their studies before winter semester 2023/2024, will find all regulations that are important for them on this page. Students who started their studies from the winter semester 2023/2024 onwards can find the information relevant for them here |
Information event specialization subject summer semester 2023
(SPO 20161 - students who started the study program in WS 18/19)
Study and Examination Regulations "SPO 20161" (= SPO 2016 including amendments)
Module Handbook valid from winter term 2022/2023, PDF
(Module Handbook valid from winter term 2022/2023, PDF)
Study and Examination Regulations SPO 2016
Supplementary modules in the specialization subject can also be selected from the most current module manual of the bachelor's degree program MIT (see "Start of studies from WS 2018/19").

Information, advice and service on examination regulations and the course of studies, examinations, recognition of external achievements, concerns of the Bachelor Examination Board, ...
Bachelor Program Service MIT