
Materials Science and Engineering

KIT is one of the leading research institutions in many fields of materials science and materials engineering. New materials and continuously improved materials are both a prerequisite and an impetus for modern technologies. In science and industry, the need for specialists with a university education in this field is constantly growing.

Versuchsauswertung MACH
Video about the degree program

Why studying MatWerk?

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Weiße Skulptur einer Kugel mit Ausschnitt

Information on the Bachelor's program

Zwei Personen am Rechner bei der Auswertung einer Materialdarstellung KIT/IAM

Information on the Master's program


The interdisciplinary Bachelor- and Master-The interdisciplinary bachelor's and master's degree programs in materials science and engineering combine basic principles with applications and are particularly attractive for students who are interested in science and at the same time have a practical orientation.

Study the Master's program in German, English or dual LINK