About us

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is part of KIT's Area 3 "Mechanical and Electrical Engineering" together with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, four Helmholtz programs, and eight institutes of the large-scale research area. The department consists of more than 20 institutes with about 1,000 employees, including about 40 professors, 460 scientific employees, and 200 employees in administration and technology. In addition, there are several hundred tutors and scientific assistants.



Je nachdem, ob die Atome in einem Molekül links- oder rechtshändig angeordnet sind, hat dieses ganz unterschiedliche Auswirkungen, beispielsweise in Medikamenten. (Abbildung vn Molekülen von Sagar Wadhwa, KIT) Sagar Wadhwa, KIT
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: clarifying the “sense of rotation” of molecules more quickly

Although NMR spectroscopy is the only method that can elucidate chemical structures at room temperature down to atomic resolution, it has so far been "blind" to the chirality of molecules. In order to measure the "twists" of a molecule, an optical method is usually used that can basically recognize the direction of twist, but not at atomic resolution. Now a team led by Professor Jan Korvink, Director of the Institute of Microstructure Technology, together with Voxalytic GmbH, a spin-off of KIT and the University of Freiburg, has succeeded in measuring the chiral molecular structure directly using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Press release

Im Teilprojekt AgiloBat entwickelten Forschende einen wegweisenden Ansatz der agilen Batteriezellfertigung, indem sie mithilfe von Industrierobotern Flexibilität und Automatisierung kombinierten. KIT/ Amadeus Bramsiepe
Battery research: Intelligent cell production

In order to contribute to Germany's competitiveness in the energy transition, researchers from the "Intelligent Battery Cell Production (InZePro)" competence cluster are developing new solutions for battery cell production. They want to increase productivity, quality and flexibility with Industry 4.0 solutions and reduce production costs at the same time. The 29 partner institutions, including KIT, have already achieved initial successes. "We have succeeded in making battery cell production more sustainable and flexible by optimizing plant technology," says Professor Jürgen Fleischer, Head of the wbk Institute of Production Engineering at KIT and InZePro cluster spokesperson. Further information: inzepro-cluster.de/demonstrator/


PreisträgerSchöck Bau Innovationspreis
Award from the Eberhard Schöck Foundation for Moritz Fünkner's master´s thesis

The Eberhard Schöck Foundation has awarded Moritz Fünkner the Schöck Building Innovation Prize 2024 for his thesis "Development of an inline profiling method for in-situ pultruded fiber composite plastic reinforcement bars" at the FAST - Institute of Vehicle System Technology. The foundation honors three master's theses each year. The prize is aimed at graduates from Germany and other European countries. Theses can be submitted that make a contribution to new materials, new construction methods, designs, verification concepts, physical problem solutions in the fields of reinforced concrete construction, steel construction, timber construction or masonry construction with the aim of achieving simple, economical and/or durable structures.


Foto von Prof. Gisela Lanzawbk
Re-election of Prof. Gisela Lanza to the DFG Senate

The General Assembly of the German Research Foundation (DFG) elected Prof. Gisela Lanza from the wbk Institute of Production Engineering for a second three-year term of office on the DFG Senate at the DFG's annual meeting in Potsdam. The Senate is the central scientific body that advises and decides on all matters of major importance to the DFG, insofar as these are not reserved for the Joint Committee as the DFG's central decision-making body.

The Senate has a total of 39 members; they are also the scientific members of the Joint Committee. The term of office begins on January 1, 2025.

DFG press release

Foto einer Arbeitssituation im Labor mit zwei PersonenKIT/ Markus Breig
QS World University Ranking: Outstanding results for KIT

In the 2024 edition of the "QS World University Rankings by Subject", the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is ranked 46th worldwide in the field of natural sciences and 48th in engineering sciences. Germany-wide, KIT is ranked 3rd in both subject areas. The QS World University Rankings by Subject list subject areas and individual subjects within the subject areas. Overall, KIT ranks among the top 100 universities worldwide in 15 subjects. In the field of engineering sciences, KIT ranks best in the subjects of chemical engineering (21st place worldwide, 1st place in Germany), mechanical engineering (37th place worldwide, 3rd place in Germany) and petroleum engineering.

To the KIT press release


4 Fotos der Preisverleihung NwT Lehramts-PreiseKIT/ Sandra Göttisheim
NwT teaching awards for department members

At the suggestion of the NwT students, the lecturers of our department Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Matthiesen and Dr.-Ing. Patric Grauberger from the Institute of Product Development (IPEK) as well as Prof. Dr. Claus Mattheck and Dr.-Ing. Iwiza Tesari from the Institute of Applied Materials - Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces (IAM-MMI) were honored by the NwT study commission at the NwT teaching degree annual celebration. The NwT teaching prizes are awarded for special commitment to teaching for the NwT course. The NwT students justified their choice above all with the high relevance of the courses for their later work as NwT teachers, the authentic insights into engineering processes and working methods and the dedicated teaching of the content, which enables them to gain valuable experience for their future professional practice.

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