Materials Science and Engineering Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

The Bachelor's degree program in Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the research, development and application of materials.

The program covers a wide range of topics, including chemistry, physics, engineering, and materials science. Students learn how to analyze, characterize, and modify materials to improve their properties and develop new applications.

Throughout the program, students are taught fundamental skills in metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. They also learn about different manufacturing processes and testing methods to evaluate the quality and performance of materials.

Versuchsauswertung MACH
Video about the degree program

Why studying MatWerk?

link to YouTube

Special features

  • Campus university between forest and city center
  • High teaching level and high university ranking positions
  • Preparatory and support courses in the MINT college
  • Several institutes and research facilities in the field of materials science, thus large offer of bachelor's/master's theses or even PhD opportunities
  • Large extracurricular offer (university groups, side jobs ("Hiwi" positions) at institutes
Study timetable


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KIT degree program page B.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering

Information on application and admission, statutes and regulations, ...

KIT degree program page
Study organization

Module manuals, time tables, thesis offers, ...

Study organization
Forms and FAQs

Important forms and FAQs about the degree program

Formulare und FAQs